Your Sustainability Facilitator

Established in 2021, Myeco Management has a commitment to help businesses and people who aim to be more socially and environmentally responsible.
Combining various experience from different areas in sustainability, Myeco delivers a unique value to you.
We love to work in a team and find solutions with you.

Meet the team!
Mieko Igarashi
Born in Japan, moved to Norway in 2009,
live in Orange County, California since 2016.
Master in Landscape Ecology (UoT, Japan)
PhD in Management with focus on Sustainable Consumption (NTNU, Norway)
Green supply chain management
Environmental management system (ISO14001)
GHG emission reduction strategy
Water footprint
Risk management in climate change
Risk management in financial industry
ISO14001 internal auditor (Japan Management Association)
Circular Economy Professional (Center for Sustainability and Excellence)
Craftband instructor (Kraftband Ecology Association)